Be a part of the solution to end animal suffering
Ways to Give
Your tax-deductible charitable gift allows us to expand access to veterinary care and training programs in parts of the world where it is needed most. The success of our critical work is dependent on support and generosity from donors like you.
Most Popular Ways to Give
Donate Online
Please consider making a donation today to advance animal welfare around the world. Even better yet, monthly recurring donations are the life-blood for our mission and allow us to focus more efforts on program delivery instead of fundraising.
Send by Check
Make check payable to "IVO" and mail to:
PO BOX 590938
Please include the following contact information if you would like to receive a receipt acknowledging your tax-deductible contribution: First & Last Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address
Other Ways to Give
Donate Crypto
Donate cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, or USD Coin) to support IVO.
Donate Stock
It’s easy: Select the stock’s symbol, then number of shares!
Donate Your Vehicle
We’ve partnered with CARS to make it easy to donate your vehicle to support IVO.
Marketable Securities & Mutual Funds
Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to claim a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date the gift is made. You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation. Contact us via for more information.
Maximize Your Impact with Employer Matching
Many employers match employees’ donations to qualified charities. Check to see if your company or employer will match a portion of your charitable donations.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities in the form of stock are accepted by IVO as capital, legacy or endowment gifts. The donor must initiate the transfer of securities either electronically or make arrangements for physical delivery with the transferor's endorsement or signed stock power (with appropriate signature guarantees) attached. Contact us to discuss donating appreciated securities.
Planned Gifts
Donors are encouraged to make bequests to IVO under their wills, and to name IVO as the beneficiary under trusts, life insurance policies, commercial annuities and retirement plans. Many planned gifts are designated to be given all or in part upon the donor’s passing. Donors who make such a gift are encouraged to contact IVO so that they can discuss the terms ahead of the effective date of the gift and to reassure the donor that his/her wishes will be fulfilled.
Donor-Advised Fund Account
Contact your financial firm and ask about donor-advised fund account. A donor-advised fund (DAF) account allows investors to contribute cash or appreciated assets to a charitable account to realize the greatest possible tax benefits.
Simply provide tax ID: 45-3738430 International Veterinary Outreach, San Francisco CA
Gifts of Tangible Personal Property (Gifts-In-Kind)
Gifts of tangible personal property (other than securities) may be accepted by IVO, subject to approval by the Board, provided that they meet the approved needs of IVO and do not place an undue burden on IVO to maintain. Contact us to discuss making a tangible gift of personal property.
*You should discuss your gifting strategy with your tax professional prior to making the gift so that you are certain of the benefits in your particular situation. Donations to IVO are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law.